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leib ° body

seele ° mind

In diesem Blog finden Sie Informationen zu meinen aktuellen Aktivitäten
und über das weite Feld der Somatik, die Kunst des Verkörperns.


This Blog provides information about my current activities
and the abundant fields of somatics – the art of incarnation.

What is Qi ???

Interview with Anna Jacobsen by Ewa Araujo.

Interview with Anna Jacobsen by Ewa Araujo.

This is a video a friend of mine made, Ewa Araujo, personal coach in Cologne. You can find here website here. Ewa interviewed me for her Videoblog and asked a lot of good questions about Qi and Qigong that I tried to answer as best as possible. I think, it went well. Thank you Ewa, for your encouragement and enthusiasm!

Please click on the image to get to the video on YouTube.

Wenn Ihr auf das Bild clickt kommt Ihr zu dem Video auf YouTube. Es ist in englischer Sprache.

anna jacobsenQigong, Somatics